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Physiotherapy Kensington, Notting Hill Gate, Shepherds Bush, Central London 020 7937 6444 / 07902 309 768

Back Pain Prognoses

Any type of back pain is associated with stiffness and tension of lower back muscles. Muscle stiffness will reduce the mobility of lumbar vertebrae and consequently the patient's activities. The London physios, osteopath, chiropractic, and orthopaedic consultant are the main professionals who treat backaches. A back pain prognosis is depending on the history of backache, type of backache, severity of the injury, muscular tension, tissue damage and posture abnormality. Most patients with back pain recover without residual functional loss, but individual patient should contact a doctor or London physios if there is not a noticeable reduction in pain and inflammation after three days of self-care. London physios will predict the prognosis of your back pain condition after assessment and tell you more about the short and long-term treatment plans. The London physios also advise the patient how to manage back pain and refer them to osteopath, chiropractic and orthopaedic consultant if the patient needs it. Having a treatment goal and carrying out the advice and home exercise given by London physios, osteopath, chiropractic, and orthopaedic consultant is very important step during rehabilitation of your back pain.

The London physios restore the function and increase the stability of your lower back by adequate treatment such as exercise and physio massage therapy that prevents recurrence of the injury. Generally, low back pain rehabilitation requires between five up to nine physio sessions. The prognosis of low back pain and the total session of physios can vary for each patient. Bed rest is recommended for some patient only 1-2 days at most. Patient should resume activities as soon as possible. Exercise, physio massage therapy and posture correction may be the most effective physiotherapy treatment method to speed recovery from low back pain and help strengthen back and abdominal muscles. In the most serious cases, when the physio, osteopath and chiropractic are not able to treat the back pain condition than surgery may relieve pain caused by backache or serious musculoskeletal injuries. Engaging in exercises that don't jolt or strain the lower back, maintaining correct posture, and lifting objects properly can help prevent backaches injury.

Rose Clinic Physiotherapy is registered with all major UK health Insurance Companies.

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Musculoskeletal conditions that our chartered physiotherapists treat: Low Back Pain, Disc degeneration, Pregnancy backaches, Arthritis, Whiplash, Sciatica Nerve Trapped, Headache, Pain, Stiffness, Tennis Elbow, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), Tendonitis, Osteoarthritis, Postural abnormality, Pre/Post Operation. Rehabilitation, ACL Rupture, Hip/Knee Replacements, Ligament Cartilage Tear, Shin Splints, Ankle Sprain, Muscular Tear, job related injuries, aging. London physiotherapy now covering Kensington W8, Chelsea SW3, SW10, Notting Hill Gate W11, Hammersmith W6, Shepherds Bush W12, South Kensington SW7, Cromwell road, Knightsbridge SW1, SW3, SW 10, W2 in association with Fitness First gym club for all physiotherapy services.