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Physiotherapy Kensington, Notting Hill Gate, Shepherds Bush, Central London 020 7937 6444 / 07902 309 768

Back Pain Risk Factors

• Aging, older patients have a higher prevalence of back pain. Physiological changes associated with aging cause weakness and illness. This puts older patients at a higher risk of suffering from acute and chronic low back pain. Aging means having week bones and muscles therefore aging increases the risk of falls and backaches injury.

• Physical strength and fitness, people who do regular exercise are less likely to develop backaches injury. Back pain is more common in people who are not fit.

• Posture abnormality and inherited diseases or conditions, sometimes backaches can be inherited by disc disease, scoliosis, exaggerated lumbar lordosis, Leg length discrepancy, pes planus (flat feet),pes cavus (high arch feet).

• Overweight, too much weight can stress the lower back and cause backaches injury and severe pain. A diet high in calories and fat can make you gain weight; while regular exercise keeps, you fit and reduce the weight.

• Pregnancy backaches, during pregnancy women are at high risk of backaches because of the exaggerated lumbar lordosis and tension on lower back muscles and discs. Back pain during pregnancy is very common and can be prevented by physio program and regular exercise.

• Other diseases, some conditions like arthritis and cancer can cause back pain.

• Job related backache; backaches, RSI and many other job related injuries can be caused or aggravated by over use. Activities such as lifting, vibration, repetitive motion, and awkward posture can cause RSI, backaches and other job-related injuries. Applying ergonomic principles designing furniture and tools to protect the body from injury at home and in the workplace can greatly reduce the risk of back injury and help maintain a healthy back. Try to keep your back straight, while you have to lift, push, or pull something. Do not bend and twist your back (spine) at the same time to prevent lower back pain. If you work at a desk all day and do not sit up straight, you may also get back pain.

• Smoking, your body may not be able to get enough nutrients to the discs in your back if you smoke. Smoker's cough may also cause back pain. People who smoke are slow to heal, so back pain may last longer.

Rose Clinic Physiotherapy is registered with all major UK health Insurance Companies.

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Musculoskeletal conditions that our chartered physiotherapists treat: Low Back Pain, Disc degeneration, Pregnancy backaches, Arthritis, Whiplash, Sciatica Nerve Trapped, Headache, Pain, Stiffness, Tennis Elbow, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), Tendonitis, Osteoarthritis, Postural abnormality, Pre/Post Operation. Rehabilitation, ACL Rupture, Hip/Knee Replacements, Ligament Cartilage Tear, Shin Splints, Ankle Sprain, Muscular Tear, job related injuries, aging. London physiotherapy now covering Kensington W8, Chelsea SW3, SW10, Notting Hill Gate W11, Hammersmith W6, Shepherds Bush W12, South Kensington SW7, Cromwell road, Knightsbridge SW1, SW3, SW 10, W2 in association with Fitness First gym club for all physiotherapy services.