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Physiotherapy Kensington, Notting Hill Gate, Shepherds Bush, Central London 020 7937 6444 / 07902 309 768

Pregnancy Backache

Pregnancy can cause severe lower back pain, knee pain and muscle cramp. Backache with soreness, stiffness, and pain is a very common condition in and after pregnancy. As the baby grows the lumbar vertebrae of the spinal column, (lower back) curves more than usual which results in muscle stiffness and pain. The growing uterus of a pregnant woman shifts the centre of gravity forward putting even more pressure on the lower back muscle. In addition, due to the increased weight, the back muscles have to work harder to support balance, resulting in increased muscular tension and lower back pain. During the last few months of pregnancy due to hormonal changes, lower back muscles and ligaments become softer and stretch to prepare a pregnant woman for giving birth to a baby. This causes even more pain in lower back. Thus, the main cause of pregnancy back pain is the biomechanic changes and postural abnormality of the lumbar vertebrae (lower back) caused by pregnancy.

Physical condition caused by pregnancy:

Pregnant women might suffer from lower back pain, knee pain, muscle cramp, muscle tension, posterior pelvic pain. Frequen breastfeeding in a difficult position, lack of rest and exercises are the main reasons for back pain and neck shoulders pain. Acute pregnancy backaches are either lumbar (pain occurs in the area of the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back) or posterior pelvic pain of which is felt in the back of the pelvis. Lumbar pain is like the low back pain you may have experienced before you were pregnant. You feel it over and around your spine approximately at the level of, or a little above, your waist. Most pregnant women have posterior pelvic pain, which is felt lower down the body than lumbar pain. You may feel it deep inside the buttocks, on one or both sides or in the back of your thighs. It may be triggered by activities such as walking, climbing stairs, getting in and out of a tub or a low chair, rolling over in bed, or twisting and lifting. Positions in which the hips are bent such as sitting in a chair and leaning forward while working at a desk may make posterior pelvic pain for pregnant woman worse. Women with posterior pelvic pain are also more likely to have pain over their pubic bone. Pregnant women might also have pain that radiates to the legs caused by pressure on the sciatica nerve. Sitting or standing for long periods of time and lifting usually make it worse, and it tends to be more intense at the end of the day. Pregnancy classes and back classes can be very helpful to prevent back pain. In addition, due to the increased weight of baby and breastfeeding, women are at high risk of getting neck pain, shoulder pain and pain in the arms. New mum classes, neck shoulder treatments like massage, Indian head massage, relaxations and stretching exercise are very useful to prevent and treat those problems.

Rose clinic pregnancy programme, pregnancy classes

Our experienced physio team at our London physiotherapy practice have created a preventive physiotherapy programme, pregnancy classes and new mum classes that not only prevent pregnancy backaches but also offer pregnant women a great chance to recover and develop their fitness to pre-pregnancy condition.

Our physiotherapy pregnancy programme, pregnancy classes and new mum classes include specified gentle mobilisation techniques, stretching and strengthening exercise of the spinal column, joints, back muscles and abdominal muscles with general exercises, which starts three months prior pregnancy up to six months post delivery. We aim to educate pregnant women to manage their pregnancy programme in ten sessions in practical classes individually or in groups.

Our physiotherapy pregnancy programme is evidence-based practice and the exercises are safe, and beneficial to pregnant women and their babies.

Sticking to London physiotherapy pregnancy program like pregnancy classes and new mum classes can prevent and reduce pregnancy backaches significantly. Find out more from our experienced physiotherapist or your doctor what abdominal and back strengthening exercises are safe for you and your baby. Also, find out how long you can maintain your regular exercise and training programs.

Rose Clinic Physiotherapy is registered with all major UK health Insurance Companies.

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Musculoskeletal conditions that our chartered physiotherapists treat: Low Back Pain, Disc degeneration, Pregnancy backaches, Arthritis, Whiplash, Sciatica Nerve Trapped, Headache, Pain, Stiffness, Tennis Elbow, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), Tendonitis, Osteoarthritis, Postural abnormality, Pre/Post Operation. Rehabilitation, ACL Rupture, Hip/Knee Replacements, Ligament Cartilage Tear, Shin Splints, Ankle Sprain, Muscular Tear, job related injuries, aging. London physiotherapy now covering Kensington W8, Chelsea SW3, SW10, Notting Hill Gate W11, Hammersmith W6, Shepherds Bush W12, South Kensington SW7, Cromwell road, Knightsbridge SW1, SW3, SW 10, W2 in association with Fitness First gym club for all physiotherapy services.